Watchfire Blog

  • 5 Ways to Optimize Digital Billboard Inventory Management

    In any business, there is a lot to organize. Between finances, payroll, daily schedules and inventory, it’s important to utilize available business tools to stay organized. Fortunately, for digital billboard owners there are amazing content and inventory management tools like Ignite OA to make digital display organization simple and efficient. Here are five tips on organizing content that will streamline your work flow and save valuable time for sales.

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  • Why Digital Outdoor Advertising is the Most Trusted Medium

    Out-of-home (OOH) advertising is a trusted medium that gives consumers a less intrusive visual compared to other advertising methods, such as internet pop-up ads or TV commercials. It is a dynamic way to turn the plain wall of a building into a work of art. Plus, utilizing an advertising medium that consumers trust can be a huge benefit to a business.

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  • 8 Unique Strengths of Digital Billboards

    Today, digital billboards have become a more cost-effective, dynamic, and responsive form of advertising, while traditional media have declined. Static billboards are still present, but digital can provide timelier and more relevant messaging. Here are some of the unique strengths that make digital billboards the ultimate advertising solution.

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  • Digital Billboards Help Auto Dealerships Standout from the Crowd

    Digital billboard

    Watchfire routinely shares sales tips with our billboard partners that are specifically designed to help them efficiently increase revenue on their digital boards. Here are a few sample tips specifically for automotive dealerships.

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  • One of a Kind Digital Billboards Pay Off

    Watchfire can build any size display with modules that measure one foot by one foot, so the creative options are almost limitless. For digital billboard operators who seek more creative designs, our engineers and fabricators can help make unique ideas realized. Some of our current billboard partners have already incorporated unique digital billboard sizes and designs.

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