Electronic Message Center Artwork: Keeping It Clean

An electronic message center is a powerful way to attract attention to your business, but the sign alone is not always enough. Artwork that is eye-catching and easy to read is a sure bet for making the most of your investment.

Because of the wide range of colors and fonts available within our Ignite® digital signage software, it may be tempting to try out many combinations of these elements when creating sign artwork. Experimenting with design is fun, but may not lead to the most effective messages. Here are some tips we’ve assembled to help you make the most of your digital sign.

Character size and font: The most important guideline you should follow when creating artwork is to use large text that can be easily read by passing traffic. Avoid thin, script fonts and stick with thick, sans-serif fonts that are easier to read from a distance. We recommend using a 12” or larger character and spreading the message over 2 or 3 frames.

Message hold time: Keep messages from moving too quickly or too slowly by using a hold time of about 4 or 5 seconds. In some cases the length of your hold time may be dictated by your local sign code. For those without restrictions on hold times, keep in mind that motor vehicle traffic will pass by before the full message is revealed if the hold time is too long, and likewise may not be able to read the message if it changes too quickly. A good rule of thumb is to set a hold time of 1 second for each line of text.

Choose Good Color and Font Combinations for your LED Sign ArtworkColor contrast: Pay attention to how you use color contrast in your messages to maximize readability.  The electronic message center signs we manufacture have a reputation for being the best at reproducing color accurately and providing vivid graphics. A Watchfire LED sign will reproduce your logo or corporate color scheme to match your branding, and that means your marketing will have a unified look.

Keep it fresh: One strength electronic message centers have is the ability to deliver timely messages. Ignite makes it easy to daypart messages so that breakfast products are displayed in the morning and dinner specials are displayed in the evening. If your business is not driven by specials that change daily, you will still want to be sure to add new content every 5 to 10 days. In addition, providing community messages or the current time and temperature will help establish your sign as a source of information rather than as a source of advertising.

Learn more about using an LED sign in this video.


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